Monday, November 19, 2012


Thank goodness for Pinterest. As a new mom I've been learning what to do in the middle of the night while hanging with the new baby. I usually start with Facebook then check out Twitter.

Over the past three weeks it's been so hard to check out both of them since there are so many devastating pictures of our Jersey Shore. In an effort to keep it together for the kiddo and any chance to get back to sleep, I had to look for another option.

We started Pinterest boards a few months ago highlighting some of our favorite spots at the shore. I decided to head back to the site and further expand our wall with cute options for families visiting the beach. We know many places at the shore may not be the same, we are certain many things will always be great. We will still have beach bags that need to be filled, beach photo opps, large family dinners at rental homes, etc. we hope viewers enjoy checking out our suggestions!

Check us out here:

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